Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Author : Cortens, Evan
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Cortens, EvanTheological Allegory in the Cantatas of J. S. Bach. [p]AMS_PacificNorthwest Mar-Apr 2006
2. Cortens, Evan PhilipThe Installation Cantatas of C. P. E. Bach. diss. 2008 124p
3. Cortens, EvanThe Installation Cantatas of C. P. E. Bach. [p]AMS_NewEngland Apr 2008
4. Cortens, EvanVoices and Invoices: The Hamburg Vocal Ensemble of C. P. E. Bach. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork Apr 2009
5. Cortens, EvanWenn man an einem 'Instrumente Mangel' hat: Obbligato Organ in Cantatas of J. S. Bach. [p]Soc18cM_Brooklyn Apr 2010
6. Cortens, EvanJohann Samuel Schroeter (c. 1752-1788). Soc18cMNL 17 Sep 2010-Apr 2011 1,12
7. Cortens, EvanJohann Samuel Schroeter and the English Piano Concerto. Soc18cMNL 18 Oct 2011 4-6
8. Cortens, EvanDistracted Fragments: J. C. Bach's Temistocle in Mannheim. Soc18cMNL 20 Oct 2012 4-7
9. Cortens, EvanThe sacred cantatas of Christoph Graupner: Music at the intersection of opera and theology. 2014 307p
10. Cortens, Evan'Ein Musikdirector hat an einem Instrumente Mangel': Obbligato organ in the Bach cantatas. [cr]Brooklyn2010 2014 52-77
11. Cortens, Evan'Durch die Music gleichsam lebendig vorgestellet': Graupner, Bach, and Mein Herz schwimmt im Blut. Bach 46 1 2015 74-110
12. Cortens, EvanFrom the divine to the diapason: Bach in his religious and instrumental context. KeyboardPerspectives 9 2016 159-168
13. Cortens, EvanVoices and Invoices: The Hamburg Vocal Ensemble of C. P. E. Bach. BachPerspectives 11 2017 113-131
14. Cortens, EvanA Passion Cycle and a Set of Epiphany Cantatas by Christoph Graupner. BachNotesABS 32 Spring 2020 7-11
15. Cortens, Evan (ed.)Passion according to St. Mark (1782) / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 4 5.4 2020 xxx, 87p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita